While most people will be celebrating Valentine's Day on February 14, I will be celebrating Generosity Day. Generosity Day is a one-day version of the Generosity Experiment that was conducted by Sasha Dichter.
According to Dichter, "Generosity Day is a day of practicing saying YES, because doing so will change you and change those around you...The goal is to spend Valentine’s Day being more generous, giving more money, sharing of yourself, and being of service. All acts of generosity, small and big alike, count."
Sigh...a man after my own heart!
Personally, for me, Generosity Day is every day. But I can only speak for myself, so I hope you will join me in taking the Pledge to Participate in Generosity Day and help to make this world a better place.
There are several ways to show generosity in Maui, these are the few that popped into my head at the moment:
- Give of your time and volunteer in your community
- Pick up that hitchhiker on the side of Hana or Haleakala way. I have personally done this a few times to the dislike of my husband. Not because he isn't nice but because he worries for my safety. Understandable.
- Respond to a homeless person's request for money. If you are worried about this person possibly using it for drugs (which, sad to say, can happen in any community), you can walk with this person to a nearby food establishment or buy a gift card from that establishment and give it to the person.
- Smile at every person you pass. You never know how rough someone's day could be going and by doing this you may have made it better even if for just a few minutes.
You can also help to promote this wonderful event by "liking" the Generosity Day Facebook page and promoting it on Twitter using the hashtag #generosityday.