Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Run Forest, Run!

Actually, it should be "Run, Rhonda, Run!."  Except I think it's time for me to "throw in the towel" and "hang up my shoes."  I am not, and never was meant to be a runner.  I always knew this and yet, I still wanted to try.  In order to be a runner you need the desire to run on a regular basis.  Not to mention the stamina to do it  for long distances.  Neither of which are qualities I possess.  Oh wait, I take that back.  I have the DESIRE, I just don't have the drive.

Besides, try telling my 43-year old body that it should ignore the pain and burn it feels each time it hits the pavement.  And let's not forget the hot Hawaiian sun (which I actually love as long as I am in the ocean).

Okay, so that's a cop out. I can't blame my body or the environment for my failure.

I did, afterall, manage to participate in two 5k events last year - Maui Tacos and Day of Hope.  But this was after spending weeks of conditioning myself.  You know that adrenaline you feel when taking on a new sport?  The kind that makes you obsessed and want to eat, breathe, and dream about that sport?  That was me.  But that was then, and this is now.

Or it could just be the fact that I am only now prepping for my next event which takes place in four (4) days.  Auwe!

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